Search Results

Your search has found 4 records

Search terms: "Colonel Sir Henry James"
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Item: [Arran (North)]
Series/Collection(s):Ordnance Survey of Scotland (one-inch) 1st
Publisher:Colonel Sir Henry James
Description:Map / Chart / Plan
Item: [Arran (South)]
Series/Collection(s):Ordnance Survey of Scotland (one-inch) 1st
Publisher:Colonel Sir Henry James
Description:Map / Chart / Plan
Item: [Largs]
Series/Collection(s):Ordnance Survey of Scotland (one-inch) 1st
Publisher:Colonel Sir Henry James
Description:Map / Chart / Plan
Item: [Stonehaven]
Series/Collection(s):Ordnance Survey of Scotland (one-inch) 1st
Publisher:Colonel Sir Henry James
Description:Map / Chart / Plan